Friday, November 7, 2008

Answers to Popular Questions

how and why do we sneeze?
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reasons why we need the government?
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where do blizzards occur?
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where do I send my 1040ez form?
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where do rabbits live?
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where does earwax come from?
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why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?
why do we celebrate veterans day?
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can you tell me about magic johnson?
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where does raven symone live?
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where does wind come from?
where in the bible does it talk about gambling?
Savio's Message on 5th November '08 - Congrats to Barack Obama, the 44th President of our great country. To celebrate his victory we have added 70 new ghost stories on Dark-Nite.

Savio's Message on 4th November '08 - You will notice major changes & updates on our website network in the coming months. New content, new writers, stories, pics and more. Obama wins!

Savio's Message on 4th November '08 - Have added sexy new pics!
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Savio's Message on 28th October '08 - Have added new pics!
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Savio's Message on 27th October '08 - Have added 70 new ghost stories on Dark-Nite.

Savio's Message on 20th October '08 - World's Most Ugly People & Hot Buns!
Most Ugly People
Hot Buns

Savio's Message on 8th October '08 - All our Photo Galleries!
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Savio's Message on 8th October '08 - Useful Diagrams Site!
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Savio's Message on 3rd October '08 - A Historical Moment: Restarted our Free Greeting Card Site!
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Savio's Message on 3rd October '08 - Have added photos of John & more...
John McCain
Nice Cats

Savio's Message on 1st October '08 - Have added more answers to common & popular questions...
Q&A Page 2